Showing posts with label SAP ECC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAP ECC. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

SAP ECC and S/4HANA: The Ultimate Beginner's Comparison and Transition Guide

With growing enterprises recognizing the need for enhanced data management, real-time analytics, and streamlined user experiences, the transition to S/4HANA has become a strategic imperative. This guide aims to illuminate the fundamental disparities between SAP ECC and S/4HANA, equipping beginners with the knowledge and insights crucial for a successful transition. By exploring key features, business implications, and best practices for migration, this guide serves as an indispensable resource for those embarking on the journey towards S/4HANA.

SAP ECC and S/4HANA migration concept

Key Features and Functionalities of SAP ECC and S/4HANA

When comparing SAP ECC with S/4HANA, dissecting the core features and functionalities that set them apart is essential. The advancements in S/4HANA bring about a shift in data management, user interface, and analytical capabilities, revolutionizing how businesses operate within the SAP ecosystem.

Data Structure

SAP ECC: The traditional relational database structure of SAP ECC has been the cornerstone of enterprise data management, offering stability and predictability in data storage and retrieval.

S/4HANA: In contrast, S/4HANA harnesses the power of an in-memory database, enabling rapid data processing and real-time analytics. This architecture accelerates data access and paves the way for agile decision-making and enhanced business insights.

User Interface

SAP ECC: Known for its robust yet complex user interface, SAP ECC often requires extensive training and familiarity for optimal navigation and utilization.

S/4HANA: With a renewed focus on user experience, S/4HANA introduces a sleek and intuitive interface designed to simplify workflows and empower users with a seamless and responsive platform.

Real-time Analytics

SAP ECC: Historical data analysis and reporting in SAP ECC are typically batch-based, limiting the agility of decision-making processes.

S/4HANA: Leveraging real-time analytics, S/4HANA empowers organizations to glean instant insights from live data streams, enabling proactive decision-making and strategic responsiveness to market dynamics.

Business Implications and Benefits

The transition to S/4HANA bears profound implications for businesses, transcending mere technological upgrades to catalyze tangible operational and strategic advantages.

  1. Improved Efficiency: The streamlined data processing and real-time analytics in S/4HANA pave the way for unparalleled operational efficiency, enabling organizations to respond swiftly to market demands and internal requirements.
  2. Enhanced Decision-Making Capabilities: With instant access to actionable insights and predictive analytics, S/4HANA equips decision-makers with the tools to make informed, data-driven choices, fostering a culture of agile and proactive decision-making.
  3. Potential for Digital Transformation: By harnessing the advanced capabilities of S/4HANA, businesses position themselves at the forefront of digital transformation, fostering innovation and adaptability.

Planning the Transition from SAP ECC to S/4HANA

Transitioning from SAP ECC to S/4HANA demands meticulous planning and execution to ensure a seamless migration that minimizes disruptions and maximizes benefits. Here are essential steps and considerations for a successful transition:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: Begin by assessing the existing landscape and infrastructure to determine the readiness for S/4HANA migration. Conduct a thorough analysis to identify potential impact areas and establish clear migration objectives and timelines. Understanding the current state is crucial for devising an effective migration strategy.
  2. Strategic Planning: Formulate a detailed migration strategy tailored to your organization's needs. Consider data migration, system conversion, or reimplementation based on business requirements and constraints. Develop a roadmap that outlines the sequence of tasks, dependencies, and resource allocations to ensure a smooth transition process.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage key stakeholders, including IT teams, business units, and end-users, from the outset of the transition process. Foster open communication and collaboration to garner support and alignment for the migration effort. Involve stakeholders in decision-making processes and proactively address any concerns or resistance to promote buy-in and ownership of the transition.
  4. Training and Change Management: Develop a comprehensive training program to equip users with the necessary skills to leverage the enhanced functionalities of S/4HANA effectively. Offer training sessions, workshops, and documentation to ensure that users understand the changes and functionalities of the new system. Implement robust change management strategies to manage resistance and ensure a smooth transition. Communicate the benefits of S/4HANA adoption and provide support mechanisms to address any challenges encountered during the transition.

By following these steps and considerations, organizations can successfully navigate the transition from SAP ECC to S/4HANA, unlocking the new platform's full potential while minimizing disruptions to business operations.

SAP ECC and S/4Hana

Navigating Challenges and Solutions

Transitioning from SAP ECC presents inherent challenges that demand adept navigation and practical solutions. Here are some common hurdles and insight on how to mitigate them:

Data Migration Complexity: Data migration from legacy systems to S/4HANA requires meticulous planning and execution to ensure data integrity and consistency. Employing robust data migration tools and methodologies is imperative to streamline this process.

System Integration and Compatibility: Integrating S/4HANA with existing systems and external applications necessitates thorough compatibility checks and strategic integration frameworks. Leveraging middleware solutions and API-driven integration architectures can facilitate seamless system interoperability.

Change Management and User Adoption: Overcoming resistance to change and ensuring widespread user adoption of functionalities demand comprehensive change management strategies and user-centric training programs. Engaging end-users early in the process and fostering a culture of adaptability are pivotal to successful adoption.

Future-proofing with SAP ECC and S/4HANA

Embracing S/4HANA transcends immediate technological upgrades; it lays the foundation for future-proofing businesses in the dynamic space of enterprise technology. The advanced capabilities offer long-term benefits that are pivotal for innovation, scalability, and competitive edge:

Innovation and Agility: S/4HANA's streamlined architecture and real-time analytics empower businesses to innovate rapidly, adapt to market shifts, and capitalize on emerging opportunities, fostering a culture of continuous innovation.

Scalability and Flexibility: With its in-memory computing capabilities and cloud integration options, S/4HANA provides the scalability and flexibility necessary to accommodate evolving business needs and seamlessly handle expanding datasets and transaction volumes.

Competitive Advantage: Leveraging S/4HANA equips businesses to stay ahead, enabling swift responses to market dynamics, informed decision-making, and the agility to pivot strategies in response to industry disruptions.

By harnessing the future-proofing capabilities of S/4HANA, businesses can thrive in an era of rapid technological evolution and digital transformation, ensuring sustained relevance and resilience in the face of change.

Understanding the distinct features and benefits of S/4HANA is paramount for informed decision-making and future readiness. As enterprises navigate the enterprise technology space, embracing its advanced functionalities is a strategic leap toward future-proofing and sustained competitiveness.

Approyo offers specialized guidance and support to unlock the full potential of S/4HANA. If you would like more information, you can visit our website.

Would you be ready to start your transformation? Please send us a message at or give us a call at 877-277-7696 to ensure your enterprise is prepared for the future.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Forecasting SAP's Evolution: What's in Store for the Future?

SAP, a key player in enterprise resource planning and business solutions, is at a turning point as artificial intelligence and machine learning begin to transform its core offerings. This post will examine how these technologies change SAP solutions and what they mean for businesses. We'll cover everything from cloud innovations to adapting to SAP to ensure future success. We aim to offer insights that help companies navigate the changing SAP environment, leveraging these changes for growth and innovation.

Future of SAP

Advancements Shaping the Future of SAP

SAP's evolution is intrinsically linked to integrating cutting-edge technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These advancements are not mere theoretical concepts but tangible components reshaping the fabric of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and business operations. The infusion of AI and machine learning into SAP's repertoire has ushered in a new era of efficiency, insight, and adaptability, revolutionizing how businesses approach data management, forecasting, and decision-making processes.

The implications of these advancements are profound, extending beyond the realms of traditional ERP functionalities. Businesses leveraging SAP's AI and machine learning capabilities witness unprecedented agility in identifying patterns within data, predictive analytics, and automated decision-making. This transformative power optimizes operational processes, augments strategic planning, and fosters a proactive, data-driven organizational culture. As a result, businesses can seamlessly adapt to market shifts, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and navigate complex challenges with unparalleled precision. The convergence of AI and machine learning within the future of SAP signifies a paradigm shift in enterprise resource planning, empowering businesses to operate at the vanguard of technological innovation and strategic foresight.

Cloud-Based Innovations in the Future of SAP

Cloud-based solutions are crucial in today's digital world, and SAP's offerings play a significant role. Integrating SAP's solutions with cloud technology has revolutionized how businesses approach scalability, adaptability, and seamless process optimization. This paradigm shift extends across various industry-specific applications, from manufacturing and logistics to finance and human resources, underscoring the versatility and impact of SAP's cloud-based innovations.

Reshaping Business Processes

SAP's cloud-based innovations transcend conventional limitations, enabling businesses to streamline operations with unprecedented flexibility and agility. The seamless integration of cloud technology empowers organizations to optimize processes, foster real-time collaboration, and enhance operational efficiency, thereby cultivating a responsive and dynamic operational framework.

Scalability and Adaptability

The scalability inherent in SAP's cloud-based solutions is particularly noteworthy, allowing businesses to swiftly adjust their resources and capacities in response to evolving demands. This adaptability is fundamental in navigating the fluctuating landscapes of modern business, ensuring that organizations can swiftly align their operations with market dynamics and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Industry-Specific Applications and Benefits

Moreover, SAP's cloud-based innovations are tailored to meet the unique demands of diverse industries, presenting specialized applications that cater to the specific requirements of sectors such as healthcare, retail, and telecommunications. This industry-focused approach underscores SAP's commitment to delivering targeted solutions that address industry challenges and foster sustained growth and innovation within specialized domains.

The Future of SAP: Adapting to Change

As SAP's landscape evolves, businesses are confronted with the imperative of proactive adaptation to remain at the forefront of innovation and competitiveness. Embracing SAP's future developments necessitates a strategic approach that aligns organizational objectives with the transformative potential of SAP's evolving ecosystem. This proactive stance involves leveraging the latest technological advancements and fostering a corporate culture that thrives on agility, resilience, and continuous learning.

Embracing Technological Integration

The first step in adapting to SAP's evolving landscape entails integrating new technologies within existing frameworks. This involves seamlessly incorporating AI, machine learning, and cloud-based solutions into operational processes, empowering businesses to harness SAP's advancements' full spectrum of capabilities.

Cultivating Agile Organizational Cultures

Furthermore, businesses must cultivate agile organizational cultures championing adaptability, innovation, and collaboration. This cultural shift fosters an environment where employees are empowered to embrace change, experiment with novel solutions, and contribute to optimizing SAP-enabled processes.

Leveraging Data-Driven Insights

The proactive adaptation to SAP's evolution also hinges on utilizing data-driven insights. Businesses must harness the wealth of information generated by SAP's advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities to inform strategic decision-making, anticipate market trends, and preemptively address emerging challenges. This proactive data utilization optimizes operational efficiency and positions businesses as aggressive drivers of change within their respective industries.

Future of SAP

Future-Proofing with SAP

Future-proofing businesses with SAP solutions necessitates strategically aligning with SAP's trajectory, leveraging the full spectrum of innovative tools and methodologies to drive sustainable growth and innovation. This alignment begins with a comprehensive understanding of SAP's roadmap, enabling businesses to anticipate forthcoming developments and proactively integrate these advancements into their operational frameworks. Such forward-looking integration augments operational efficiency and positions businesses at the vanguard of technological innovation within their respective industries.

Embracing Modular and Scalable Solutions

A critical aspect of future-proofing with SAP lies in adopting modular and scalable solutions that accommodate evolving business needs and technological advancements. By embracing modular architectures, businesses can seamlessly integrate emerging SAP modules and functionalities, ensuring their operational frameworks remain agile, adaptable, and equipped to capitalize on the latest innovations.

Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning

Moreover, future-proofing with SAP necessitates cultivating a continuous learning and innovation culture. Businesses must invest in ongoing training, upskilling, and knowledge transfer initiatives to empower their workforce with the expertise to leverage SAP's advancements effectively. This strategic investment enhances organizational capabilities and engenders a workforce primed to embrace change and drive innovation in tandem with SAP's future direction.

Nurturing Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations

Furthermore, future-proofing with SAP extends beyond internal initiatives to encompass strategic partnerships and collaborations. By forging alliances with SAP-certified partners and industry peers, businesses can access a network of expertise, resources, and best practices that fortify their ability to navigate SAP's evolving landscape and drive sustained innovation and growth.

The ever-evolving landscape of SAP solutions demands a proactive approach from businesses to adapt and thrive amidst technological advancements. Staying ahead means more than just keeping pace—it requires a strategic embrace of AI, machine learning, and cloud innovations. By aligning your business with SAP's forward momentum, adopting an agile mindset, and building strategic partnerships, you can secure your operations against future challenges and lead the way in technological innovation.

For more information about how you can harness SAP’s full potential, visit our website. You may also send us a message at or give us a call at 877-277-7696.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

SAP ECC and HANA: Which Reigns Supreme in Enterprise Management?

Choosing between SAP ECC and HANA is a pivotal decision for enterprise management. In today's tech-driven business environment, selecting these two SAP platforms carries significant implications for performance, cost-efficiency, future readiness, and the overall user experience. This analysis aims to clearly understand the strengths and limitations of SAP ECC and HANA, empowering enterprises to make informed decisions that drive sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

Photographer: alpha

Performance & Scalability Between SAP ECC and HANA

When evaluating the performance and scalability of SAP ECC versus HANA, it's essential to look into the specific metrics that directly impact enterprise management.

Response Time: SAP HANA outperforms ECC regarding response time, with significantly faster data retrieval and processing speeds. This translates to real-time analytics and decision-making capabilities, which are essential for agile business operations in today's competitive landscape.

Data Processing Speed: HANA's in-memory computing architecture enables rapid data processing, minimizing latency and enhancing the system's overall agility. This empowers enterprises to handle large volumes of data seamlessly, supporting both current operational needs and future growth requirements.

In contrast, SAP ECC, while robust, may need to be improved in handling the increasing data demands and real-time processing expectations of modern enterprises. These performance distinctions directly impact the system's scalability, influencing its ability to adapt to evolving business needs and technological advancements.

Cost-efficiency & ROI

When assessing the cost-efficiency and return on investment of SAP ECC and HANA, several factors come into play, each with a distinct impact on the financial implications for enterprise management.

Licensing Costs: SAP HANA's pricing model, although initially higher, can yield long-term cost savings due to its in-memory computing capabilities, which may reduce hardware and maintenance expenses over time. In contrast, SAP ECC's traditional database structure may entail higher ongoing operational costs.

Hardware Requirements: HANA's in-memory computing architecture necessitates robust hardware infrastructure, potentially requiring more significant upfront investments. However, this investment may result in enhanced performance and reduced total cost of ownership in the long run.

Long-term Cost Implications: Considering the evolving nature of enterprise management, the long-term cost implications of choosing between ECC and HANA extend beyond the initial investment. HANA's advanced capabilities may align more closely with future technological trends, potentially mitigating the need for frequent system upgrades and modifications.

By carefully examining these cost-related aspects, enterprises can make informed decisions that align with their financial objectives and long-term strategic plans.

Innovation & Future Readiness

For enterprise management systems, adapting to technological advancements and innovating is critical. SAP HANA offers a significant advantage over ECC by excelling in innovation and future readiness.

In-Memory Computing: HANA's in-memory computing engine revolutionizes data processing, allowing for real-time analytics and insights. This transformative capability enables enterprises to instantaneously glean actionable intelligence from their data, fostering agility and informed decision-making.

Advanced Analytics: HANA's advanced analytical capabilities, including predictive analytics and machine learning integrations, position it as a future-ready platform capable of harnessing the potential of big data and IoT (Internet of Things) technologies. These features pave the way enterprises can proactively adapt to market trends and customer demands.

Cloud Integration: HANA's seamless integration with cloud technologies enhances its scalability and adaptability, aligning it with the evolving landscape of cloud-based enterprise solutions. This integration offers enterprises the flexibility and agility to confidently navigate the digital transformation journey.

By embracing the innovative features and future readiness of SAP HANA, enterprises can position themselves at the forefront of digital innovation, driving sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

The Human Element: User Experience

The user experience aspect of enterprise management systems is pivotal in determining their effectiveness and overall impact on organizational workflows. Several critical factors come to the forefront when comparing the user experience of SAP ECC and HANA.

Adoption Challenges: SAP ECC, due to its established presence and familiarity among users, may present fewer adoption challenges compared to HANA, which requires a shift in mindset and operational methodologies. Overcoming these adoption hurdles ensures a seamless transition to a new system.

Training Needs: The migration from ECC to HANA may necessitate comprehensive training programs to familiarize users with the new platform's features and functionalities. Investing in user training and change management initiatives is essential for minimizing disruptions and maximizing user acceptance.

Overall Acceptance: The overall acceptance of a system by end-users significantly influences its efficacy in driving enterprise management processes. Understanding and addressing user feedback and concerns is integral to optimizing the user experience and leveraging the full potential of the chosen platform.

By meticulously assessing the user experience factors and proactively addressing adoption challenges and training needs, enterprises can elevate the effectiveness of their chosen enterprise management solution and ensure a smooth transition for their workforce.

Choosing between SAP ECC and HANA in enterprise management goes beyond technology—it's a strategic decision affecting an organization's growth. The differences in performance, cost-efficiency, innovation potential, and user experience have significant implications. SAP HANA's transformative capabilities and its future readiness and potential to drive digital innovation present compelling arguments for enterprises seeking sustainable growth and competitive advantage in today's digital landscape. By embracing the insights in this analysis, organizations can make informed decisions that propel them toward a future-ready, agile, and efficient enterprise management system.

To learn more about SAP ECC and SAP HANA and explore additional insights, message us at or call us at 877-277-7696.

Friday, July 26, 2019

SAP S/4HANA migration fears are overblown - Approyo CEO Chris Carter interviewed by Tech Target

Approyo CEO Chris Carter was recently interviewed by Jim O'Donnell for Tech Target. Below is an excerpt from the interview, to read the full interview, please visit 

Most SAP customers will eventually have to face the inevitable S/4HANA migration.

SAP has stated it will end support for the legacy SAP ECC platform by 2025. Although migration is a daunting prospect, the fear factor may be overblown, and customers could be missing out on the benefits of going to S/4HANA.

In this Q&A, Chris Carter, founder and CEO of Approyo LLC in Brookfield, Wis., comes at an SAP S/4HANA migration from a more hopeful place: The leap from ECC to S/4HANA may be inevitable, but it's also manageable.

Carter has been around since the SAP R/2 days, SAP's ERP software in the 90s and the predecessor of SAP HANA. Approyo, an SAP partner, provides managed services, hosting, migration and implementation services for more than 300 SAP cloud environments for customers around the world, according to Carter. It has also done just over 100 SAP migrations.

Where are SAP customers in their plans for S/4HANA migration with the 2025 deadline in mind?
Chris Carter: We've been working with SAP hand-in-hand on some of the migrations, but customers are very slow to migrate -- and understandably so. They're fed one line and then there's another real world thing that happens, but it's not as bleak as people think. You've got to work with a lot of Z data codes [non-standard data] and change activities, but there are so many tools that we can use that we can understand what is going on with their current environment in order to move into the new environment. You get a lot of integrators out there trying to get people scared, but it's really not that scary. This is a lot easier than what it was when it was R/2 to R/3, that's for sure.

What's the biggest fear SAP customers have about an S/4HANA migration?
Carter: Cost is No. 1, and change is No. 2. Everybody is worried about change -- is this going to change my job? Is it going to change what we do in FICO with the new [S/4HANA] finance tools? Every new SAP system has changes -- it's been that way since the R/2 days -- so they just have to understand that going in. You have to literally walk them through what those changes are and how they're going to benefit from them. You need strong change management and you've got to be very cognizant of what activities are going to happen.

What are the first things organizations need to do when starting a migration?
Carter: The first thing is always the plan. What is your plan and what's the plan for your SAP system, because they may not go hand in hand. An SAP system typically has had so many changes to it over the years that the individuals who are working on it today, and who may work on it tomorrow, may not know everything that has changed within that environment and what's going to happen starting tomorrow when the new system kicks in.

Read the full interview:

Friday, June 21, 2019

How can the Intelligent Enterprise impact Distribution

The digital economy is disruptive. Wholesale distribution companies need strategic priorities that drive transformation into intelligent enterprises. SAP powered by Approyo supports a reimagined set of end-to-end business scenarios that are part of a digital environment.

  • Using value-added services to create new revenue sources - For years, most distributors have been providing value-added services, many of which have been free of charge. Leading distributors will take these value-added services to the next level and use them to significantly increase revenue and bottom-line profitability. Distributors should consider providing customers with a menu of options such as light manufacturing, sensor-based services, training and consulting services, or lending services.
  • Becoming a real-time distributor - Companies everywhere face volatile customer demand and heightened service expectations. Innovative technologies can help resolve these issues by providing vital business information across the network, improving real-time analysis, and enabling better collaboration across departments and trading partners – thus transforming the supply chain into a responsive network.
  • Building lasting customer relationships - Build trusted relationships with customers by empowering sales teams and personalizing buyer engagements. Provide a vast variety of ordering channels from call centers, Web sites, text messages, and in-person interaction to deliver the exact products and services customers need when they need them. The customer experience today constitutes a lifecycle, not just an interaction restricted to the front end of the enterprise.

Leading wholesale distributors are transitioning into information-centric companies that utilize new business models to gain competitive advantage and deliver premium, consistent customer service. Digital transformation fosters operational excellence, specifically across order management and inventory management processes, providing wholesale distributors with real-time information and the ability to drive immediate impact with intelligent ERP.

Responding to rapid changes
A digital core is an IT architecture that offers stability and long-term reliability for core enterprise processes, yet also provides the flexibility to adapt quickly to new opportunities, challenges, and regulations. This solid foundation gives you a single source of truth, which in turn enables flexibility for innovation to accommodate things such as new business models, new regulations, and business events, such as mergers or acquisitions.

Simulation and analytics
The ability to respond quickly is an essential part of managing a wholesale distribution company. To do this, simulation, prediction, and analytical capabilities are important components. Data is critical for gaining the insight to make decisions. This insight must be at a granular level, so that decision-makers have the details they need to understand trends, opportunities, and risks, and quickly carry out what-if analysis using predictive algorithms.

Keeping data under control
Every wholesale distribution company needs the computing capability to carry out complex algorithms with large data sets to support timely, real-time analysis. Everyone in the company must have access to data they need, whenever and wherever they need it. This is also true for the rest of the ecosystem so that suppliers can stay up to date with a company’s orders, salespeople can see customer history for credit risk and stock information, and accurate delivery schedules can be provided.

Addressing innovative opportunities
Customers in every industry are demanding innovation. Companies are responding with new products and services that better meet individual needs. These new offerings impact every facet of business, not just the front office. Companies must address end-to-end (E2E) processes across departments and lines of business to deliver on new customer experiences, products, and services.

Enhance and Extend Next-Generation Processes with Intelligent ERP
Bringing SAP S/4HANA and SAP Leonardo technologies together as a digital core results in a more flexible and intelligent enterprise. To achieve next-generation business processes and respond to rapid changes, companies need an intelligent ERP solution that can be continuously enhanced and extended with innovative business services and applications built on emerging technologies, including machine learning, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Wholesale distributors focused on innovation or who prefer to be early adopters have already begun this journey.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Third-party Maintenance Companies are Killing Your Future ERP Innovation

If you are a company with an ERP solution in-place, you are looking at a very bright future. A future where the newest, latest and greatest technologies are coming at you. Your ERP solutions providers are there to support you in your company's growth. These ERP vendors are building software specifically designed to help your company in this new digital age. The old legacy technology is just outdated, and it needs to be refreshed, just like our phones, our bodies, and our minds.

Unfortunately, there are third-party maintenance companies who are taking organizations down a road that will eventually kill innovation within that organization. These so-called “third-party maintenance companies” are telling you and other organizations like you, that status quo is “good enough”. That is not what true innovative technology and business partners should be doing. “Good enough” is socialism. If you want to be a socialist company with zero updates or innovation for the next 15 years, then you're going to be in trouble.

I deal with these horrible “third-party maintenance companies” every day. I listen to their stories on how they help an organization stay on an old antiquated and outdated SAP system. They tell the companies that they will maintain old systems day in and day out for organizations at 90% savings.

Unfortunately, that 90% of savings is a lie a flat out lie.  No third-party maintenance company can provide these kinds of services legally and ethically. I know who these companies are, their executives and their sales team. And they are slick as snake oil. If you really want your company to grow and you think that your firm is cutting-edge, then you need to stay away from these organizations.

Let me give you an example. I personally know of a third-party maintenance company that took over the support for a company running SAP ECC 6. This company is actively looking to grow and innovate its technology footprint. Unfortunately, because they are under contract with the third partner maintenance company that forces them to continue to use outdated technology. The third-party maintenance company lied to the organization. They will not be able to succeed while they are stuck using old ERP solutions. They will have to continue to rely on the third-party maintenance company to try to create custom code to connect everything while paying more costs and losing out by not having access to new innovative technology.

If they would have stayed on a simple upgrade plan from SAP (yes there's a cost to that), instead of believing this third-party maintenance company, they would be able to upgrade their SAP environments around the globe right now. SAP and other software providers have development teams around the globe, upgrading and updating the software every day of the year. To be so naive to think that a software application like SAP, Microsoft or Oracle should not get a license revenue maintenance because of the updates and upgrades that they are providing to an organization is asinine.

Don’t allow your company to fall further and further behind but signing a long term (up to 15 years) contract with a third-party maintenance company. While there will always be a cost to a licensing and maintenance agreement, staying with old legacy technology will cost more at the end of the day.

Don’t let that slick snake oil salesmen sell you.

About the Author - Chris Carter, CEO of Approyo
With almost three decades of extraordinary working experience in the SAP industry, Christopher Carter, CEO at Approyo founded Approyo with the goal of making it easy for customers to embrace SAP HANA. Chris works with businesses around the globe and is known to assist them in their journey to the usage of Big Data in the forms of Hadoop (Cloudera and Hortonwork’s) and SAP HANA. His experience has earned him national recognition by the American SAP Users Group, SAP, Hadoop World, Cloud Expo and more.

Under Chris’s leadership, Approyo has been named to the Inc. 5000 three years in a row (2016 – 2018) and named one the SAP Solution Provider of the Year in 2018 by ACQ5. In 2018, Chris was awarded the Gamechanger of the year by ACQ5, one of the 10 Most Inspiring Business Leaders by Mirror Review and one of the Rising Entrepreneurs of the Year by The Technology Headlines.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Understand your path to SAP S/4HANA (updated)

By 2025, SAP will no longer support SAP ECC 6, the core component of SAP ERP. This means you will need to upgrade your SAP systems. But what are your best upgrade options?

There are three basic SAP cloud migration paths. Companies that want to start off slowly can undergo a traditional SAP cloud migration, moving their assets into the cloud without moving to SAP HANA at all. This allows you to show ROI quickly from running in the cloud while minimizing initial disruption and lets you wait for the major SAP HANA and S/4HANA upgrade for a later date.

Another option is migrating to Suite on HANA — with SAP ECC 6.0 Enhancement Pack 7 running on a HANA database. This gives you all the incremental benefits of HANA, such as faster performance and compatibility with newer applications and will get you close to a full S/4HANA landscape.

However, most companies will benefit from moving directly to S/4HANA. In most cases, a complete upgrade and migration will be less disruptive and less costly than several smaller upgrades and the new functionality will provide a major competitive advantage right away.

Deployment options for SAP S/4HANA

  • Cloud - Public Cloud - SAP offers a pure Public Cloud option—Software-as-as-Service (SaaS)—such as SAP Cloud, Google Cloud Platform, AWS, or Azure, to name a few, which hosts and manages the entire HANA infrastructure, including the quarterly upgrades. This option can also be managed through the public cloud provider, internally or by an SAP partner like Approyo. 
  • Cloud - Private Cloud - Under a private cloud setup, the HANA infrastructure operates on a private cloud exclusive for the use of an organization. This scenario can be managed internally or by a third-party and can be hosted internally or externally. It works best for companies looking for on-demand scalability, complete management control, and security prioritization for their IT assets while combining both on-premise and cloud solutions. 
  • Hybrid Cloud - The Hybrid Cloud option involves using a cloud provider as either IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) or PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service).  With either option, the organization must manage a portion of their on-premise assets and associated services while the rest of the portions are managed by the Cloud service provider.
  • On-premise - On-premise deployment is hosting SAP S/4HANA in your own data center, which isn’t mandated by SAP’s upgrade cycle. Under this scenario, the HANA appliances are hosted on partners/customers’ existing data centers. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Demystifying SAP: Understand your Journey to SAP HANA

By 2025, SAP will no longer support SAP ECC 6, the core component of SAP ERP. This means you will need to upgrade your SAP systems. But what are your best upgrade options?

There are three common SAP cloud migration paths. Companies that want to start off slowly can undergo a traditional SAP cloud migration, moving their assets into the cloud without moving to SAP HANA at all. This allows you to show ROI quickly from running in the cloud, while minimizing initial disruption and lets you wait for the major SAP HANA and S/4HANA upgrade for a later date.

Another option is a migrating to Suite on HANA — with SAP ECC 6.0 Enhancement Pack 7 running on a HANA database. This gives you all the incremental benefits of HANA, such as faster performance and compatibility with newer applications and will get you close to a full S/4HANA landscape.

However, most companies will benefit from moving directly to S/4HANA. In most cases, a complete upgrade and migration will be less disruptive and less costly than several smaller upgrades and the new functionality will provide a major competitive advantage right away.

Understand what option is best for you and get started today
If you run ECC 6.0 or earlier version, you will need to upgrade by 2025. Don't wait, start planning for your best upgrade path now and schedule a complimentary consultation with our team. We will help you understand all of your options and help you choose the best path forward.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Ask Approyo: SAP ECC vs. SAP S/4HANA

One common theme we hear from customers is the confusion in the market place around SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA. In this post, we will try to clear up the confusion and explain how the two solutions relate to one another.

What is SAP ECC?
SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) is the previous generation of SAP’s enterprise resource planning software. ECC provides modules covering a full range of industry applications, including finance, logistics, HR, product planning and customer service, linked together into a single, customizable system run on a database of the user’s choice.

What is SAP S/4HANA?
SAP S/4HANA is the successor of ECC. It is a natural evolution and not just a simple upgrade. Currently, SAP S/4HANA 1709 empowers every corner of your organization to deliver business results. SAP S/4HANA is the foundation for businesses to deploy machine learning and Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios based on SAP Leonardo capabilities, unifying transactional and analytical workloads in real time and helping you stay ahead of the competition.

The route to S/4HANA is achieved either by a system conversion from an ECC solution (including Suite on HANA) or a new install. A system conversion needs to take place with the reason being to enable the new simplified data model. You need to be conscious of what functionality you have lost from your existing system as part of the move to S4/HANA in order to then replace it.

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Monday, October 23, 2017

See your business clearly with SAP HANA

You swim today in exploding amounts of data from internal and external sources. Keep afloat by taking advantage of the integrated data quality, data integration, and data virtualization capabilities of SAP HANA, a next-generation platform for in-memory computing. Help simplify your IT landscape and enable successful information management for all your analytical and operational implementations.

Job one in the 21st century is digital transformation. But how exactly do you become a digital enterprise? At SAP, we designed SAP HANA to help you harness the latest digital technologies in the service of these overarching goals:

  • Faster time to insight and action with real-time analytics
  • Improved operational efficiency and productivity
  • Agility to respond to rapidly changing market conditions
  • Simplification of the IT landscape with integrated capabilities

Managing your valuable information successfully is the key to thriving today. With the data access, integration, and quality capabilities of SAP HANA, you can deliver immediate and targeted insight, so all stakeholders can act in the moment and make quick decisions based on complete, timely, and accurate data. You can also streamline processes to make your operations more efficient and effective – from your inner core outward to the edge of your global business network, including cloud platforms, mobile devices, and the Internet of Things. And you can seize fleeting moments of opportunity, reimagine long-standing business models, and create radical new sources of value that propel you to a leadership position in your industry.

Data Federation: Query data remotely – without moving it
Give information workers instant access to all of your organization’s data – with SAP HANA smart data access technology. Federate queries on remote data sources – including Hadoop, SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE), and other databases. And retrieve relevant answers without the cost and effort of migrating data.

Data Integration and Replication: Deliver data from anywhere, when and where it's needed
Maintain business continuity with data that is always available. With SAP HANA data integration capabilities, you can move data across multiple sources and targets to satisfy a host of business needs. Ensure high availability and disaster recovery, make informed decisions based on the latest information, and more.

Our smart data integration technology also provides a single user interface for real-time data replication in batches or in real time. It offers pre-built adapters to common data sources and an SDK adapter that lets you get data from any source – for a 360-degree view of your business. 

Data Quality: Improve data quality and reliability
Deliver accurate, trustworthy data to decision makers – with SAP HANA smart data quality. Manage quality issues across all domains and sources, and cleanse data with SAP HANA. Now you can standardize, validate, and match entities – names, titles, phone numbers, e-mails, and more – to ensure accuracy. You can also use geocoding to enrich address data with location intelligence.

Remote Data Sync: Make your data available remotely
With SAP HANA remote data synchronization, you can bi-directionally synchronize data between SAP HANA and thousands of SAP SQL Anywhere databases – whether embedded in devices or located at the edge of your network. You can make enterprise data available to remote workplaces or locations beyond the reach of high-bandwidth connections. And you can collect and analyze remote data to monitor devices at distant locations – enabling your entire business to be more responsive.