The massive numbers of connected things and the explosion of data generated by connected devices (“Things”) will change the way we do business forever. The journey a company takes to get from “Things to Outcomes” is becoming the catalyst for digitization. IoT is not necessarily new to most companies. However, most are collecting and storing the data and may also have the ability to visualize it.
With SAP Leonardo, SAP provides a highly innovative IoT portfolio which extends the digital core with adaptive applications, big data applications and connectivity to enable:
- New business processes
- New business models
- New work environments
Connected Products - Enable end-to-end visibility to product-centric operations and ability to optimize compliance visibility and service availability
As the demand for information and insight increases, we are seeing a
significant increase in the design, manufacturing, and delivery of smart,
connected products across all industries. R&D can utilize data from sensors,
connected products, and other Big Data sources, to support the development
of more reliable and desirable products that meet target requirements.
This leads to increased demand and opportunities for you in the market,
and increased access to information for both you and your customers.
Goods and Equipment: Connect, monitor, and control a large number of customer facing products
Connect smart devices and products with core business processes and back-end systems. SAP Leonardo enables you to easily collect and analyze data from IoT devices from smart products e.g., coolers, coffee machines. At the same time, you can bring back-end business context and processes in real time by converging it with digital twins of physical product within IoT smart applications to improve efficiency, automatic replenishment – and create new product-as-a-service business models.
Product Insights: Design, manufacture, and distribute smart products to leveraging sensor data by manufacturers and consumers
Streamline and orchestrate your design networks with intuitive design and collaboration tools to enhance product and project delivery. Manage internal and external development teams, capture their ideas, and reuse your product and project data throughout the enterprise. Increase efficiency in engineering and manufacturing with a single platform for design tool integration to provide a 360-degree product view (with total transparency across engineering disciplines) through a harmonized and intuitive user experience. And master product cost potential and transparency – at a time when it counts.
Supply Networks : Manage, control, and respond to changing conditions with a digital operations center for response
Reduce planning cycle times and inventory levels and increase service quality by extending the supply chain to the business network. Connect more easily with suppliers, customers, and outsourced manufacturers for enhanced collaboration across demand, supply, and inventory. Optimize service and cost through collaborative planning of inventory, supply, and demand, while establishing a collaborative network with B2B connectivity for proficient supply chain collaboration.