SAP HANA Platform vs. Disk-Based Database with In-Memory Cache
YES - One copy of data for all requests
SAP HANA Platform simplifies IT landscapes by taking advantage of in-memory computing and by delivering application, database and integration services in one platform. By taking advantage of in-memory computing, it can efficiently process transactions,streams, graphs and advanced analytics, such as predictive, spatial and text, on the same system and on one copy of the data. Additionally, by delivering application, database and integration services in one platform, it reduces data movements and staging among operational systems and between database and application server. This results in better performance, a simplified IT infrastructure and lower administration costs.
Disk-Based Database with In-Memory Cache
NO - Multiple copies of data needed for different requests
Since disk-based databases are designed to manage data on disk, in-memory caches are deployed to accelerate data access.This involves the introduction of an additional technology layer as well as the synchronization and maintenance of multiple copies of data. As a result, the consumption of system resources, the burden of system administration and the complexity of the IT infrastructure increases
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